Once again it's time for me to repost the scariest real estate story ever! It's become an annual tradition to repost this article. I call it my "List Em and Leave Em" post. Don't let this happen to you!
The names have been changed to protect the slackers and the victims...
I continually hear people say that their realtor bugged them for weeks to get them to list their house with them. They finally agreed to list it and they never saw the REALTOR again!! I'm not exaggerating! Check out this story....
New example of a "list em and leave em" real estate company
Wednesday, May 02, 2007JANESVILLE, Wis. - A couple checking out a house for sale were shocked to discover the 55-year-old homeowner dead in her bed. Authorities said foul play was not suspected. Real estate agent Linda stood in the dining room while Justin and Colleen walked through a house Monday night. Before long, she heard Colleen scream."I thought, 'What's wrong?' Maybe it was a dead mouse or something," agent Linda said. But then she peered into the bedroom and saw the body of the owner.
An autopsy determined the owner had been dead for two to three weeks, Rock County Coroner Jenifer K said Wednesday. The cause of death remained under investigation, but the woman appeared to have died of natural causes and no foul play was suspected, the coroner said.
The agent who listed the house, said it was for sale "for a while." Agent Linda said she had noticed a faint odor but thought it was from the mess in the house or the countertop full of dishes. After seeing the body, she said she told the couple: "We need to leave. This is not right. We need to get out of here."
I rest my case! If you want to list your house with someone that will communicate with you---give me a call! I look forward to hearing from you. I promise not to list your house and forget about you!